Saturday, 16 March 2019

Data Collection…

I have spent this week finalising my data collection methods for my inquiry. I originally decided to use questionnaires and a focus group. However, following the Skype call with Adesola I have reflected on these methods and now consider that they are not the best choice for my inquiry. 

I previously aimed to speak to other professional dancers, like myself about their fitness training regimes and the role that fitness plays for them in their practice. Upon reflection, this is something that I can draw information from through my own reflective journal and video log and I would not gain any further significant insights through this process. 

During the Skype call we discussed issues around interviews and how they may not be the best method for data collection. However, when discussing my inquiry topic Adesola mentioned that speaking to a specialist in the field could provide me with further insights and thoughts to consider. I have been looking into this and have decided to conduct an interview with a former professional dancer who has now opened a specialist gym. 

I have also decided to conduct an online market assessment of the existing specialist fitness trainers for professional dancers.

I am now mapping out my interview questions and working on bringing my draft proposal together. 

Sunday, 3 March 2019


I have been working on my practice-based inquiry plan and analysing the various research methods to determine the best approach for my inquiry topic. I have spent time reading Judith Bell’s book, ‘Doing your Research Project’ which has helped me to evaluate each method and the important factors to consider. 

I have also spent some time looking at the MORE form online ahead of the submission deadline in week 9. This has helped to prompt me with further ethical considerations for my research project and I have noted that I need to leave enough time to complete the remainder of the form before it is due. 

I feel that this week has been a bit of a breakthrough week and I am starting to see my research plan take shape. I now plan on spending further time looking into literature and bringing all areas of my plan together in my proposal.