Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Discussion group

Following yesterdays discussion group, I have spent some time thinking about the journey of this course and the importance of blogging.

I had never previously written a blog or even thought about writing one. However, over the last few days I have begun to see the importance of sharing and discussing ideas. 

In the discussion group we spoke about a particular blog that really resonated with me that Mark had posted. It explored the idea that as dancers we have always been instructed about every minor detail, whether that that has been by teachers in class, by choreographers in our training or by directors in our profession. It becomes the norm to follow direction, take on corrections and learn from others. 

This journey provides a platform for us to take charge of our own learning, our own development and our own mistakes. It is not a case of sitting back and waiting for the magic to begin, it is a case of going out and getting it ourselves. 

I think at the beginning of the week I was nervous at the thought of aiming for perfection as part of this course; however I have learnt that instead it is a place for enquiry and growth. It is about exploring and not necessarily trying to find an answer. This course is a process of discovery and development and one that I am very much excited to begin!

Saturday, 22 September 2018


As I start a new beginning on the journey of this course, it has given me time to reflect on the significant beginnings throughout my life.

As a dancer there is a physical beginning, the first day of ballet class. This for me was at the age of 3 and was the seed that was about to start its journey into a flower. Amongst many other tots, I learnt naughty toes and good toes and experienced the freedom of dancing.

The next stage of my journey was at the age of 11. I fell in love with dancing and how the music made me feel. It was now more than a hobby and was no longer about the movement; it allowed me to express myself. This was my emotional beginning.

At the age of 14 I made the decision to pursue my love for dancing and continue this as a career. This for me was my mental beginning and changed the focus of my dancing. I now looked at class in a different light and set my eyes on the goal of professional training.

Each of these beginnings has shaped the dancer that I am today. In my time of teaching dance, it has allowed me to be a part of so many journeys as I have watched the children grow through each stage.

The start of this course has created a new place for growth and beginnings and I am excited to commence my new journey.